Kallístē, the most beautiful one

Thursday, February 28

Do you have that particular place on your mind when someone asked you what place on this earth do you want to grow old at? Like maybe the only place on your mind, that you keep it to yourself or maybe its just an imaginary place you want to be at. I have always been imagining myself to be at this one particular place and have to take this road back and forth from my home and to my work place, I imagined it as a slinky toy stretched up a thousand foot cliff. My house would be at the top of the hill and I have a field of grapes at my backyard garden. Everyday I would try creating short cuts by cutting through, going straight up and dissecting the road when I walk down the hill because I imagined the place I would live at is a maze-like road. I may be crying for a few weeks because I could not remember the road I should take what road I should avoid. 

Imagining the white walls all over the hills that blends in perfectly with deep blue sea and the walks I have to take everyday around that small volcanic island. At times when I feel like writing or painting, I would bring some french toast and hot coffee and sit at the balcony staring at this enormous crater filled with sea, so high that the boats anchored below looked like toys and the wind on the water looked like calligraphy. I would put the table and chair facing west and make my own place to be the best place in the world to watch the sunset or sometimes when I feel like having a walk in the evening, I would bring along some my favorite candies in my pocket and stop by at one tamarisk tree to enjoy the sunset and came to the profound realization that I sure have chose the best place to be at.

I couldn't imagine more until I found this one place that could describe everything I had in my mind for too long. You know, the good vibes you get everytime you see the photos from that place - its unexplainable. 

That one place, the Santorini Island, Greece.