"The Invicibles. Often Imitated, Never Bettered."

Saturday, September 24

This was actually taken one evening, when I went to the tank. Feeling all completely insecure, seeing everyone doing well in their trial. So, tell me dear readers, should I or should not I be on the positive side? I get goosebumps whenever this pops out my head. I'm ashamed that I have to declare my stress here rather than expressing it out to people. Well, at least it'll help to ease the frustration a little(?) There is only one person in my life that could make me feel better other than my girlfriends. There.

I would call myself lucky again. I never look for something in my life, but yesterday I just found something that I wanted a long time ago. A part of my soul. 'It' fill my soul. Perfection. Since then I'd rather die before my time. I changed from worst to nice :) 2011 jumped to fast before I realized that I've already taken and I should learn from my mistakes before. The most important things is, appreciate him more.

Sometimes you have to talk quieter, just to see who’s actually listening.
Sometimes you have to run away so you can see who will run after you.
Sometimes you have to take a step back, just to see who’s still standing by your side.
Sometimes you have to make a wrong decision, just to see who’s there when it all falls down.
Sometimes you have to let go of the one you love, just to see if they love you enough to come back.